Friday, March 11, 2011

Millionaire of the Week: Dave Ramsey

"We give you the same advice your grandmother would, only we keep our teeth in!" Who else do you believe that I would start with? Dave Ramsey is my inspiration, and my hero. Not only because he is a Millionaire but because of the way that he arrived there.
Dave Ramsey is currently one of today's most popular radio hosts. He hosts the "Dave Ramsey Show", "where debt is dumb and the paid off mortgage has taken the place of the BMW, as the status symbol of choice." If you have not heard of him, then you are missing out on an experience of a lifetime. 
Dave Ramsey has made his money by helping others on their quest to financial freedom. But he wasn't always so save savy. As he has said multiple times, he has made it to the top twice. The only way that you do that is by falling back down at least once.
He graduated from the University of Tennessee in 1982. By the time he was 26, he owned a portfolio worth more than $4 million. All good things come to a close though. After the Tax reform Act of 1986, the real estate market fell dramatically. Ramsey was then forced to repay $1.2 million with 90 days. This of course led him to the inevitable, bankruptcy. 
The dramatic part of the story begins after, when he decided that enough was enough. Debt was not the way to success, and he was going to prove to the world that he could succeed without borrowing a single cent. 
He slowly began to counsel others at his local church, which then was followed by private counseling sessions. Seminars and workshops began, sending his name and fame throughout. As the seminars continued, he was able to put together some simple rules and solutions that would turn out to be nothing more than what your grandmother might tell you. Bizarre things like, save your pennies, buy everything with cash, spend less than you make, invest for the future. Really, how dare he?
With his fame increasing, it seemed logical for him to start his own local radio program which first aired in 1992. Also in 1992, he founded his company, the Lampo Group. This company mainly focused on one-on-one financial advice. Between 1999 and 2004 the company grew from 18 to 105 team members. Currently they employee 300 strong, and have been voted "best place to work" mulitple times in Nashville, TN. 
Along with being a sucessful businessman and radio host, he has written many noteworthy bestsellers. The most popular being "Total Money makeover". Note, that all these things did not come about with debt of any sort. He built his enterprise for himself, with hard work, patience and a love for helping others gain freedom. 
After he began raking in the dough, he decided that it was time for him to return the joy of his life, but this time taking risk out of the picture. He now owns countless homes, which he purchased with cash and rents. 
This debt-free empire has inspired millions of people throughout the nation back to the traditional views of money. These traditional and conservative views on money are simple. That is why they have suceeded. It isn't complicated, nor a quick way to success. Real success is plain and reachable.
When thinking of how you want to reach your goals of success, keep it simple. Life never likes complex systems or goals. The transparent ones are the ones that succeed.

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